Why Tarot?
Tarot is a tool for bringing the unknown into known.
Tarot is a divine language that communicates to me through clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance.
I used to hold dark perceptions of this modality as I was raised Mormon as shame was the root of anything outside of the structure I was conditioned to obey and to believe in. My venture in practicing divination through this beautiful modality began in 2018.
A friend offered to pull a few cards for me, and with a deep triggered fear of what was to be revealed, she pulled the Tower card, which in the Tarot represents a crumbling. Within a few weeks, my fiance and I cancelled our elopement, I bought a 1994 RV, moved into it and left my old life behind. The Tarot spoke true to what was to unfold in my life and little to my awareness, this experience opened my mind and heart to something much deeper.
Tarot opened me in a way that shattered any dogma I had clung to, keeping me from questioning any and all of my belief systems. I bought myself a Tarot deck and dove right in. I created a ritual for myself in the dive of my unconscious, and it brought profound clarity, validation and support for what I deeply internalized and kept hidden out of fear. I finally felt seen. I realize how silly that sounds, to feel seen by a deck of cards, but it’s true. I didn’t real-eyes how deeply suppressed my intuition was and learning how to read Tarot allowed me to connect deeper into the unconscious parts of me that were rooted in fear and shame from my childhood conditionings and religious dogma.
I was born with spiritual gifts, and would encounter spirits, whether they be of a demonic descent with terrifying faces and cold energy or they be angels with auras so colorful and bright, warm like the sun. I was always experiencing divinity in my life, even though I didn’t comprehend just how connected I was.
When I would share my experiences with my parents though, the shame and fear that would projected onto me through my eagerness to share so naturally, I repressed it all. The last thing I remember talking about to my Dad was when I was 10; I remembered seeing colored orbs, little balls of light that would fly around. He told me his cousin had that “disease” and that she died when she was 18, and then he laughed. This set a fear in my mind and body that shut me up. Never did I talk about it again.
Looking back at that memory is nothing but a heartbreak but the memory alone validates my experience all the more, through the challenges, restrictions and shame of my autonomy and connectedness as a child.
My intuition was the very thing that saved my life in more ways than one and it is because of the numerous life-altering experiences that led me to believe in a higher power, much greater than my own.
Becoming a vessel for the energy of unconditional love is my dharma and through my healing journey, my ability to survive and rise such dense life experiences, [S.A., C.S.A., D.V., narcissistic abuse, abandonment, neglect, addiction, homelessness, physical ailment and mental illness,] has revealed to me how much power is in the ability to radically trust oneself, that we can heal our own bodies, minds and spirits.
I was connected to a much deeper aspect of myself through diving deep into my healing journey in 2018, and through its unraveling I rediscovered this deeply hidden part of myself and my connection to a higher power.
Tarot was my stepping-stone into this rediscovery, and it’s changed my life. It allowed me to face myself in times when I didn’t have others who were safe to reflect back to me what I needed to hear without interjecting their own negative perceptions and unwanted opinions onto me. I sought my whole life to feel understood, seen and validated, and as I developed a relationship with the practice of Tarot, I realized I was able to provide those experiences for myself.
I learned to trust my intuition in the surrender to the unknown. I refined my shadow in the triggers and emotions that would come to the surface, and it allowed me to show up for myself in the ways I always wanted to. It showed me self-reflection and taught me the power of intention and thought, and putting my dreams into supportive action. The cards are like a mirror to the souls experience, which can be illuminating to so much by bringing perspective shifts, dissipated negative thoughts and worries, emotions are validated, energy is alchemized, truth is activated. No life is the same after walking at the edge of consciousness. Accepting life in the unknowns. Being receptive to what the Universe wants to bring you. It changes you, and in my radical opinion, for the better. There’s always an opportunity to grow and to connect with your soul.
And future predictions isn’t necessarily my style of reading as our conscious decisions lead to the outcome which is ever-changing by every thought we carry, action we embark upon and decision we make. The future isn’t future. It’s the present state of consciousness, and through your willingness to create changes and make new decisions, you can be guided in a graceful and incredibly supportive way.
This tool of unconscious inner standing (Tarot) will ultimately teach you the ways to empower yourself as your own creator of your own life.
Simply put— It’s a mind, body, soul experience and a beautiful space to empower and practice using your intuition. Come with intention.
Discovering Life Purpose
Finances & Wealth
Relationships + Romance
Inner Child Healing
Tarot is the invitation to deepen the inner workings of autonomy and connection to self and other. This is a safe space to cultivate awareness and create a plan that is supportive to your journey, all through the guidance of Spirit. There can be deep healing, soul restoration, trauma clearing, validation and confirmation in readings. I find this modality to be incredibly helpful and supportive for those ready and willing to face the truth, take required action and radical accountability for their lives.
Clarity, Direction & Truth
Every reading is unique to the person being read. I channel energetically through music, memories, traumas, people, thoughts and stories I experience and connect within your energy. It’s a powerful and intimate experience meant to illuminate unconscious blocks and restore truth regarding any life situation that may need support, guidance and clarification.
You may ask questions ranging from you and your internal life experiences, thoughts and emotions, to better help understand you to needing the insight of your romantic relationship and the career path you’re stuck in and are unsure of how to navigate.